On 11 May 2023 Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus Piotr Miklashevich took part in the International Conference “Constitution and Constitutional Supervision: Developing the Doctrine and Advancing the Case-Law”, held in St. Petersburg by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
Topical issues of legal doctrine and practice in the field of ensuring the supremacy of constitutions through constitutional review were discussed.
The International Conference was attended by heads and judges of constitutional justice bodies from Europe, Asia, Africa, representatives of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union, well-known legal scholars.
At the plenary session Piotr Miklashevich made a presentation on the topic “The Updated Constitution of the Republic of Belarus: Development of the Doctrine of Constitutional Review”.
On 12 May Piotr Miklashevich took part in the events of the XI St. Petersburg International Legal Forum.