Legal basis
Law of the Republic of Belarus on the Constitutional Proceedings

The Law of the Republic of Belarus on the Constitutional Proceedings determines the procedure for carrying out constitutional proceedings: applications submitted to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus, consideration and resolution of cases by the Constitutional Court, adoption of conclusions, decisions of the Constitutional Court, messages to the President and Houses of the National Assembly on constitutional legality in the Republic of Belarus, as well as execution by judges of the Constitutional Court and participants in constitutional proceedings of procedural actions aimed at exercising the rights granted to them and fulfilling the duties assigned to them.

The Law regulates the constitutional proceedings in cases within the competence of the Constitutional Court:

on the interpretation of the Constitution;

on the conformity to the Constitution of laws, edicts of the President, resolutions of the Council of Ministers, normative legal acts of other state bodies;

on the constitutionality of draft laws on changes and additions to the Constitution;

on the conformity to the Constitution of laws adopted by the House of Representatives and approved by the Council of the Republic or adopted by the House of Representatives according to the procedure, established by para 6 of Article 100 of the Constitution, prior to their signing by the President;

on the constitutionality of issues put to the republican referendum;

on the conformity to the Constitution of the treaties of the Republic of Belarus prior to their entry into force;

on the facts of consistent or gross violation of the Constitution by the President;

on the facts of consistent or gross violation of the Constitution by the Houses of Parliament;

on the constitutionality of the elections of the President, deputies of the House of Representatives and members of the Council of the Republic;

on the constitutionality of the laws applied to a specific case, upon constitutional complaints;

on the constitutionality of normative legal acts to be applied in trying specific cases by the courts.

on stating the position of the Constitutional Court on the conformity of documents adopted (issued) by foreign states, international organisations and (or) their bodies and affecting the interests of the Republic of Belarus to generally recognised principles and rules of international law;

as well as on the adoption of messages to the President and Houses of the National Assembly on constitutional legality in the Republic of Belarus.