The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus at its sitting of 11 January of the running year adopted Message on constitutional legality in 2006. Traditionally, this document reveals the situation of the national legislation and practice of its application.
The Message underlines that achievements in social and economic spheres are inseparably linked with the relevant legal regulation.
It is also emphasized that at the present stage, when the national system of legislation is practically formed, first and foremost shall be the system nature of the legislation, its reasonable balancing, uniformity and accurate application in practice, control over execution.
The past year the Constitutional Court delivered more than 30 decisions adopted at its plenary sessions, examined 2,148 applications of citizens, 13 petitions of deputies, 77 requests of the state bodies. Taking into account the collective applications, the total number of those who made their appeals to the Constitutional Court was more than six thousands of citizens.
The Constitutional Court notes that in 2006 a number of its proposals on improvement of the legislation, alteration of approaches in law creation and law application expressed previously in messages, in other decisions were realized in the acts of the current legislation. There have been considerably reduced the instances of giving the acts retrospective effect, when they vest the citizens and the economic entities with new obligations. The state bodies that adopt normative legal acts strive to carry out their official publication, to envisage the transitional period within which the citizens and the economic entities may familiarize themselves with the adopted act, to prepare for its execution before its coming into legal force.
Attention is directed to the problematic fields of legislation: analysis of the materials available in the Constitutional Court signifies that great concern of citizens cause the condition and practice of application of the criminal law, the criminal law of procedure, the civil code and the civil code of procedure, administrative, housing, labour, pension tax and land legislation.
As it is pointed out in the Message, the peculiarity of Belarusian way of development is in the fact that we do not follow the law of "wild", early market but follow the market where decisions shall be taken not spontaneously but after careful consideration, with an allowance for combination of the interests of an individual and the society as a whole. Under those conditions the level of law creation may be and should be of the higher level. "Power of the Belarusian state - in fairness", - as it is stressed on in the Message of the Constitutional Court.
The Message was forwarded to the Head of the state, to the Council of the Republic and to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the country.
The Message will be published in the newspapers "Narodnaya gazeta" and "Zvyazda".