Press-conference with the Chairman of the Constitutional Court Grigory Vasilevich, dedicated to the Day of Constitution was held in the National Press-center on the 14th of March.

     The Constitutional Court had delivered more than 30 decisions on its plenary sessions in the year of 2006.

     2148 appeals of citizens, 13 appeals of deputies, 77 requests of state bodies were considered by the Constitutional Court. Taking into account collective appeals more than 6 thousand persons addressed to the Constitutional Court in 2006. There were raised questions concerning terms of submission of municipal payments; perfection of the Model Statute of building and housing cooperative; application of contract way of employment; taxation of payments; securing of the constitutional guarantees of rights of owners (in particular, bona fide purchasers); payments for using public transport in case of changing of the tariffs; recognition of the educational documents, aquires in the foreign states etc.

     During the year of 2006 18 earlier delivered decisions of the Constitutional Court were executed. During 2 months of this year three more decisions were executed.

     On the 11th of January, 2007 the Message on the constitutional legality in the Republic of Belarus was adopted (published in “Narodnaya gazeta”, “Zvazda” on 17 January 2007).