Аt the session of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus the Message to the President of the Republic of Belarus, the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus and the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus “On constitutional legality in the Republic of Belarus, 2007” was adopted.

     On 27 March 2008 at the session of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus the Message to the President of the Republic of Belarus, the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus and the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus “On constitutional legality in the Republic of Belarus, 2007” was adopted.
     In the Message of the Constitutional Court it is noted that the Republic of Belarus continues to develop as a democratic social state ruled by law based on fundamental constitutional principles.
     The attention is paid to the fact that development of social and economic relations demands not only new decisions from the legislator, but also formation of qualitatively renewed legal system of the state oriented on securing of needs of the society.     
     The purpose of perfection of normative legal acts is formation of the effective state for the people providing trust of citizens in the state and the law created by it. In the Message it is pointed that during the past year more than 100 laws significant for legal system were adopted by the Parliament of the state, more than 60 acting laws were amended and altered.
     Law making is a difficult process for which regulation of multilevel public relations is typical. It is precisely this fact, according to the Constitutional Court, that explains such characteristic defects of normative legal acts as absence of complexity and system character, lack of effective prediction of legal effect, collision of separate rules, etc.
The condition of the constitutional legality in the Republic of Belarus in 2007 was estimated on the basis of the materials examined and considered by the Constitutional Court. Within a year 1214 applications of citizens, including 60 collective were considered. In total during the past year 4440 citizens have addressed to the Constitutional Court, 90 applications from the state bodies were received. There were approved 30 decisions in 2007, where Constitutional Court paid attention of legislative bodies and other authorities to obligatoriness of the execution in law making and law enforcement activity of the constitutional norms and principles and that is a matter of great importance for construction of the state for people.
     Realization of decisions of the Constitutional Court allows to improve essentially in practice a situation with legal system of the Republic of Belarus. In 2007 a number of decisions previously adopted by the Constitutional Court were executed.
     Among them it is possible to note the decisions concerning: procedure of giving general information of technical normative legal acts; perfection of system of registration of citizens according to the place of residence and the place of staying; cancellations of permit mark in the passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus for temporary leave abroad; legal regulation of activity of garage co-operatives; establishment of responsibility of the employer for infringement without valid reasons the procedure and terms of payment to workers of wages; definitions of concept of a family with many children for reception of financial assistance of the state in debts repayment under soft loans, etc.
     Taking into account the legal position of the Constitutional Court expressed in its decisions, during the past year addenda and alterations were made into the criminal law of procedure, procedural and execution and other legislation.
     The major means of strengthening of constitutional legality is adoption of laws of direct effect with specification in them detailed procedures of realization of the law that shall be a real guarantee of securing of the rights and freedoms of citizens, legitimate interests of economic entities, including increase of possibility of protection in court of legal rights and interests of citizens and legal persons.
     According to the Constitutional Court, negative consequences in practice may be avoid in case of a consecutive embodiment in activity of courts, the state bodies and officials of a basic principle of a lawful state – supremacy and direct effect of the Constitution.
     In the Message attention is also paid to the necessity of formation of the constitutional thinking of officials that enforce law, their abilities to apply in practical activities not only the norms of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, but also fundamental constitutional principles which constitutes a legal basis of the state for the people. Achievement of these goals will promote legal education of citizens in the spirit of respect and observance of the constitutional values.
     The Constitutional Court considers that simultaneously with solution of social and economic problems for the state at a new stage of development it is necessary for no less important purpose to reach: formation of constitutional thinking of officials that enforce law, abilities to apply in practice directly the norms of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and to proceed at decision-making from the fundamental constitutional principles which make a legal basis of the state.
     Achievement of the specified purposes will promote securing of the civil consent in society, legal education of citizens in the spirit of respect and observance of the constitutional values, development of the state for the good of people.