Bulletin of the Constitutional Court


30th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus

On the International Conference

Miklashevich P.P.
The Updated Constitution: Modern Development of Constitutional Review

To 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Belarus from the Nazi Invaders

Tikhinya V.G.
Childhood Scorched by War…

Verabei I.A.
Son of the Regiment G.Varabei

Voronovich T.V.
Memory of the Heart

Tikovenko A.G.
Not to Forget: Ostarbeiter 9824

Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus of 29 December 2021 No. D-1296/2021 «On the Conformity of the Law of the Republic of Belarus «On the Genocide of the Belarusian People» to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus»

Scientific Information

Voronovich T.V.
The Values ​​of Truth, Verity and Justice in the Constitutional and Legal Dimension

The article examines the content of the concepts of truth, verity and justice, their value status and connection with law, and identifies the features of the use of these categories in the constitutional and legal dimension.

Based on the analysis of constitutional legislation and constitutional case-law, the constitutional and legal content of the values ​​of truth, verity and justice is examined. A conclusion is drawn about a multifaceted nature of the content of the concepts under study, their close relationship and interdependence, as well as the need to ensure and protect truth, verity and justice as constitutional values.

Keywords: truth, verity, justice, legal truth, historical truth, constitutional values, constitutional justice.

Boiko T.S.
Constitutional Foundations of Tax Sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus

The article focuses on the constitutional foundations of tax sovereignty as an integral element of state sovereignty. The author analyses existing approaches in the scientific literature to understanding tax sovereignty, its content and limits. Based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the author proposes a definition of tax sovereignty as an essential element of state sovereignty associated with financial measures to ensure the national security of Belarus in all spheres, including in the field of economic security. The case-law of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is used to reveal the research topic.

Keywords: Constitution, state sovereignty, national security, economic security, tax sovereignty, tax

Lyubetskaya S.A.
Constitutional and Legal Regulation of the Protection of the Family, Motherhood, Fatherhood and Childhood in the Republic of Belarus

The article deals with the constitutional provisions on state protection of marriage, family, motherhood, fatherhood, childhood, on equal rights of spouses, the rights and responsibilities of parents in raising children, issues of state support for families with children and orphans. The author analyses provisions of the branch legislation of the Republic of Belarus that develop the constitutional framework of marriage and family relations. It is concluded that an important role in the mechanism of protecting the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood is played by the decisions of the Constitutional Court, which contain legal positions that reveal the constitutional and legal meaning of legislative provisions in the field of regulation of marriage and family relations, ensuring the rights of spouses and children.

Keywords: family, marriage, motherhood, fatherhood, childhood, rights of the child, protection of rights.