The First World Conference on constitutional justice will take place on the 22-24 of January 2009 in Cape Town of the Republic of South Africa. The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus delegation will take part in it by the leadership of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court P.P.Miklashevich.

The First World Conference on constitutional justice will take place on the 22-24 of January 2009 in Cape Town of the Republic of South Africa. The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus delegation will take part in it by the leadership of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court P.P.Miklashevich.

This is for the first time when the Conference will unite courts of the constitutional jurisdiction of more than 90 countries of the world. The constitutional courts Chairmen and chiefs equal jurisdiction bodies consisted in such international organizations as the Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of Сountries of Young Democracy, the Conference of European Constitutional Courts, the Ibero-American Conference on Constitutional Justice, and representatives of courts of the Commonwealth of Nations, Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils, Association of Constitutional Courts using the French Language, Asian Constitutional courts, Southern African Judges Commission and other international organizations, are going to take part in it.

Such problems as the influence of activity of the constitutional courts on society, creating global jurisprudence of human rights, interaction of international law on national legal systems will be discussed at the international forum. The Conference will not only exchange experience, but also activate the cooperation in constitutional justice sphere, define strategy and prospects of its development.

The report of Chairman of the Constitutional Court P.P. Miklashevich is dedicated to the constitutional control development in the Republic of Belarus, problems and prospects of realization of the constitutional justice by the obligatory preliminary constitutional control of laws, increase of the protection efficiency of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens in view of principles and norms of the international law.