Bulletin of the Constitutional Court
15 March – the Constitution Day of the Republic of Belarus (Introductory Article by Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus Petr Miklashevich)
Official Materials and Decisions
of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus
Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus of January 23, 201No. D-1120/2018 «On Constitutional Legality in the Republic of Belarus in 2017»
Message of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus to the President of the Republic of Belarus, the House of Representatives and the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus «On Constitutional Legality in the Republic of Belarus in 2017»
Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus of February 14, 2018 No. D-1121/2018 «On Legal Regulation of the Calculation of Time Limits for Submission of an Executive Document for Execution»
Scientific Information
Sergeeva O.G. Accessibility of Constitutional Justice for Citizens of the Republic of Belarus
Kozyreva L.G. Constitutional Bases of Regulation of Economic Relations
Tikovenko A.G. Rationality as a Category and Criterion of Constitutionality
Danilyuk S.Y. Human Dignity as a Basic Philosophical and Legal Category