Bulletin of the Constitutional Court

Introductory article by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus Petr P. Miklashevich devoted to the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus

Official materials and Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus

Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus of 18 January 2012 No. D-680/2012 «On Constitutional Legality in the Republic of Belarus, 2011»

Message of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus to the President of the Republic of Belarus, the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus «On constitutional legality in the Republic of Belarus, 2011»

Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus of 16 February 2012 No. D-681/2012 «On Legal Regulation of Relief From Criminal Punishment or Mitigation of Punishment in Case of Disease»

The 15th of March – the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus

On the constitutional value protection (based on the materials of the on-line conference of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus Petr P. Miklashevich, which took place on March 15, 2012, in BelTA)

Ensuring the constitutional right to petition the public authorities

Chigrinov S.P. On the work with citizens’ petitions to the Constitutional Court in 2011

Scientific information

Chigrinov S.P. Juridical category of «empowerment of a citizen» in acts of legislation, juridical doctrine and decisions of the Constitutional Court


The article examines the category of «empowerment of a citizen». It is noted that the empowerment is inherent to the state body (official) in the framework of public-legal relations. It refers to the ability of individuals to perform legal actions on the basis of their legal rights and duties. These rights and duties are interrelated and inseparable. So the right of individual is in equal measure his duty. The author concludes that the empowerment vested in a citizen provides him with special legal status of a voter, a civil representative and an investment agent.

Danilyuk S.Y. Evolution of the criminal law schools and constitutional values


The article considers some aspects of criminal law schools development and their influence on modern criminal policy. The relationship of the Constitution and the norms of the Criminal Code. Particular attention is drawn to the need of considering the constitutional norms and principles for further improvement of the Criminal Law.

Ryabtsev L.M., Farmagey L.K. Organisational legal basis of the establishment and development of the road safety in the Republic of Belarus


The article analyses peculiarities of legal regulation of social relations that are emerging at certain stages of development of Belarusian statehood, which are characterised by features of the socio-economic structures and the degree of development of productive forces of society in relation to the state's role in ensuring road safety. Based on these criteria, there are four stages in the development of constitutional and legal framework for road safety in Belarus (feudal, imperial, Soviet, and modern). A definite historical evolution is seen. It is characterised by historical advance in understanding the role of the law and the state in ensuring public safety in general and road safety in particular. Especially the Constitution is analysed as a legal base for road safety at the present stage of development of the Belarusian State.

International experience of the constitutional justice

Tanchev Evgeni. Constitutional Court Functions in Protecting the Democratic Constitutional Order

Events, facts

On the election of Ms Sergeeva O.G. as the Deputy Chairperson of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus

On the Counsel on issues of legal and judicial activity under the President of the Republic of Belarus