1. The Council considered the issue of implementation of the Concept on improvement of legislation of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Edict of the President of the Republic of Belarus of April 10, 2002, No 205 (hereinafter – the Concept), and the issue of determination of the future directions of national legislation. Deputy Head of Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, Deputy Chairman of Council – Mitskevich V.V., director of company with additional liability “Law firm “Trust”, Council member – Lazarenkov E.V., director of National Centre of Legislation and Legal Research of the Republic of Belarus – Ipatov V.D., and the Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Belarus – Bodak A.N. were heard by the Council.
As a result of the discussion, the Council noted the positive value of the Concept for the development of the national legal system, while paying attention to the fact that several of its provisions are not implemented, they still preserve actuality and are subject to implementation.
The Council recommended that the Council of Ministers, the National Centre of Legislation and Legal Research of the Republic of Belarus jointly with the concerned public authority should ensure implementation of provisions of the Concept with regard to conceptual approaches expressed by Council within the scope of annual work on the preparation of draft laws and other normative legal acts on a scheduled basis.
National Centre of Legislation and Legal Research of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus proposed to establish an interagency working group to examine the need for making alterations and addenda to the Concept and to submit the relevant information to the Council.
2. Professor of the National Security Institute of the Republic of Belarus – Trakhimenok S.A., director of the republican unitary enterprise “Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant” – Vajtsehovich E.S., Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus – Starovoitov I.G., and Chief of the organizational-mobilization direction, Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus – Kuprik S.M. (members of the Council) addressed the meeting with information on the conceptual approach of legislative regulation of alternative service in the Republic of Belarus.
As a result of discussion the Council decided to support the conceptual approaches provided in the draft Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Alternative Service”, and to consider the adoption of this Law as a priority in order to implement the Article 57 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.