On December 23, 2010 in the exercise of obligatory preliminary review the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus considered the constitutionality of the following laws adopted by the House of Representatives and approved by the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus:
“On Making Alterations and Addenda to the Law of the Republic of Belarus «On Investigative Activities” (a reporting judge – Leonid M. Ryabtsev);
“On Making Alterations and Addenda to the Law of the Republic of Belarus «On the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Republic of Belarus” (a reporting judge – Leonid M. Ryabtsev);
“On Ratification of the Framework Agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the Nordic Investment Bank” (a reporting judge – Valentina V. Podgrusha);
“On Ratification of the Protocol Amending the Agreement on Co-operation to Ensure the Uniformity of Measurements in the Armed Forces of States Parties to the Agreement on the Uniform Policy in Standardisation, Metrology and Certification of November 3, 1995” (a reporting judge – Stanislav Y. Danilyuk);
“On Ratification of Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Latvia on the Simplified Procedure of Mutual Trips of Border Areas Residents of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Latvia” (a reporting judge – Tadeush V. Voronovich).
Based on the results of consideration all the laws were recognised to be conforming to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus. At the same time the Constitutional Court stated its legal positions aimed to clarify the constitutional and legal meaning of certain provisions of the reviewed laws.