This visit took place upon the invitation of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus and the Supreme Economic Court of the Republic of Belarus.
During the meetings on the 12 of March with the Heads of the supreme judicial bodies of the Republic of Belarus it was emphasized that the mechanism of the judicial authority powers realization is the most effective and democratic form of citizens rights and freedoms protection. It was marked that in our countries there are general approaches in courts activity while securing of judicial protection of citizens rights, fair trial, access to justice, timely and qualitative disputes solution, rendering of the qualified legal aid, etc.
The useful exchange of the accumulated in both States experience in the constitutional, criminal, civil, administrative and economic legal proceedings sphere took place.
The arrangements on the continuation of cooperation with the aim of studying the organization and functioning of the justice systems in Belarus and India were achieved.
According to the program of the visit of the Supreme Court of India delegation an acquaintance with the general and economic courts of the Republic of Belarus, Institute of the Belarus State University of retraining and improvement of professional skill of judges, workers of Procurator’s office, courts and justice organizations and also the sight-seeing in our Republic took place.